Friday, April 30, 2010

The Loading Dock Project: First Steps

For this assignment first years were split up into two groups and we were to measure and draw plans and elevations from our measurements. We were assigned either the loading dock or the administrative offices in our building ( Gatewood Studio Arts Center). My group was assigned the loading dock. Our initial drawing were to be done in pencil. After these first steps we were told to redesign our assigned space as a place for a visiting designer, artist, etc to stay while they are here. While deigning our space we were instructed to pick an artist, designer, etc. as precedent for the design for our space. In addition to having precedence, we also were to include a ceiling change, and a level change in our designs. but the rules don't stop there... we were also not allowed to remove any doors, but we could add windows and change the position and size of the doors. As kind of a jump start to getting us thinking about the design of our space we made models, and drew perspectives of our space. Many Many perspectives of our space.. three of these which were to part of our final presentations for the class. Our final presentations were also to include three sketch up perspectives, a set of final section elevations, a final floor plan of our space, two precedent images, a picture of our designer/artist, two materials to be used in our space, a project statement, and a title.

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