Sunday, April 3, 2011

Jenga 7.1: the Final Blend

In both groups Trepide and Emerge, our meeting on Sunday brought about our strategy for the blending of our two buildings from Jenga 6.0. We found that our buildings were best blended through the idea of connections. In studying the types of connections our structures were formed from, we found that my group, team Trepide’s, ideas were like those of team Emerge but set in reverse. Their building was about taking the individual parts and making them into a unified whole, where as ours was about taking the unified whole and molding it so that it appeared to come apart. Though our two buildings spoke different languages, the two languages were developed to reach a similar goal: “gathering all the scattered parts, and grounding them by forming them into a singular body of architecture.”

The idea of bringing separate parts together is also embodied in our team name “Portmanteau”. The word portmanteau is a term that describes the blending of two words into one. Not to be cliché, but an example of this may be terms formed to describe events in pop culture, “Brangelina” for instance, but I most assure you that the merging of our two designs will be done in a much more crafted, carful, and strategic way than the example mentioned above.

It was also during this time that we designated both Dajana and Austin as our co-team leaders. This way the pressure of leading such a large group of people is somewhat dispersed, and the ideas from both of our previous teams from Jenga 6.0 are represented.

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